DBK-Leasing has launched an anti-crisis program for agrarians
DBK-Leasing, within the framework of the Government of Kazakhstan anti-crisis policy, announced the launch of a special offer for the purchase of agricultural equipment of domestic production.
A decision not to levy fines or penalties for late payments has been made.
Also, upon requests from lessees, the transfer of payments, which are considered individually, has begun.
All documents are accepted online.
Unprecedented measures, developed on behalf of the Government of the country, are aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses, the preservation of the regular mode of work in domestic production.
The program will increase by 30% the ability of agrarians to upgrade their equipment fleet, which is 76% out of date.
Note that in Kazakhstan there are several production sites that can satisfy this need. So, for example, one of the most advanced is the Kirovets production plant, opened in Kostanay in conjunction with the St. Petersburg Tractor Plant.